Five Pillars of Information Protection

There’s a wealth of sensitive information stored on computers and mobile devices that needs to be secure. From personal email addresses and residential addresses to numbers, birthdays, and more the information you store should be kept for your own eyes only, not hackers’. Protecting this information is vital to ensure compliance with the law, avoiding costly security incidents, maintaining the trust of your customers and partners, and much more. This article will demonstrate how to secure information that is supposed to be confidential and secure.

What is the definition of information protection?

Information protection (or infosec) refers to both the policies and the technology used to protect sensitive information. It covers topics like patches management, vulnerability management, and more. Information protection is a crucial component of security. Its efficiency is dependent on the whole ecosystem. For example, if you are using outdated software and aren’t running a firewall or an antivirus program, then your data is susceptible to attack.

Other threats to your system are malware and phishing. Humans can also put data at risk by clicking on suspicious links, or setting passwords or encryption systems to automatically update. To prevent these risks it is essential to create a plan that incorporates the five pillars that make up information security:

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