Secure Document Sharing

Secure file sharing protects sensitive data from unauthorised access, whether it’s SaaS or client information, or business documents. It’s an essential tool for any company who wants to safeguard themselves from hacking and data leakage as well as from compliance violations.

Encryption is the simplest form of secure document sharing. It ensures that the documents shared can only be decoded by the intended recipients. This stops hackers from gaining access to private information, and is typically done via email attachments or uploading them to websites. More advanced platforms can also include password protection and more granular access controls. These platforms typically run on cloud storage and typically support multiple devices and operating systems.

If you’d like to add another layer of security be sure that your secure share link has two-factor authentication (2FA). It requires an 6-digit code from an authenticator app or a physical security key (new window) for someone to be in a position to download or edit the document. This makes it virtually impossible for hackers to access your information.

Some file-sharing providers that are secure have features that let you collaborate with your team members on projects. They can include tools like real-time collaboration, detailed analytics of virtual data room features documents, and eSignature capabilities. This type of technology can help streamline workflows in projects and improve team productivity. It also supports a more comprehensive approach to managing documents that is in line with strict privacy laws and other requirements of regulatory compliance. One example of this is Laserfiche which provides a comprehensive set of secure document sharing tools that can be integrated into your existing enterprise content management system.

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