How to Organize the Work of a Company

Despite the best intentions most companies suffer from inefficient workflows. Employees waste valuable time searching for documents or switching between different tools, and trying to find status updates. This means that 60% of a typical day is spent thinking about work, leaving only 40% to focus on skilled work and strategy. To make time for strategic initiatives it is essential to organize your company’s work. In this article, we will explore some suggestions and strategies to efficiently organize individual tasks, project-specific work, and your team’s entire system.

Efficient File Organization

Affixing files to their appropriate spaces is an easy, but effective way to cut time and increase productivity. Teams spend less time searching for files when they have a place to put them and description as well as a location to keep them. This facilitates collaboration and less unnecessary debriefings.

Project-level Work Organization

The creation and use of templates for every project will help reduce confusion for both new and experienced project managers. Templates can be used to standardize procedures and help to share knowledge. They can also be easily modified to reflect lessons learned. When every project is arranged in a tool that includes progress dashboards, all stakeholders can gain insight in a glance and you can cut down on lengthy status meetings.

You can ease the mental strain of trying to keep the track of all your work in your head. This allows you to focus on creative and productive work, and prevents burnout.

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